Why Some Are High Attractors to Mosquitoes?
2017-07-29 14:57:48

There are so many disconcernting diseases such as Zika, Malaria and West Nile related to flying disease-dilivery vehicles known as mosquitoes. Along with these vector-borne diseases, their diabolic hypodermic mouthparts offer no shortage of ichy welts, and the crazy-making hum can keep the soundest of sleepers swatting at their faces. Some seem to have won mosquito lotteries while others who are High attractors are fed up with the long-lasting fights againest mosquitoes. Though some of factors we can′t do much about to alter this situation, but anything to help avoid the pests and reduce the use of dicey chemicals is worth the effort.
According to scientific evidences, the first mode of searching for humans of mosquitoes is through vision, and they are adept at targeting at people′s veins especially later in the afternoon. In terms of apparel, light-colored clothes are recommended as dark ones are easy to be spoted by mosquitoes.
It′s all about the blood for mosquitoes; well that and nectar. Adult mosquitoes survive on nectar for nourishment, but females rely on the protein in our blood for the production of eggs. So it′s little surprise that some blood types may be more desirable than others. Research has found, in fact, that people with Type O blood are found to be twice as attractive to mosquitoes than those with Type A blood; Type B people were in the middle. In addition, 85 percent of people produce a secretion that signals what blood type they are; mosquitoes are drawn to those 85 percent more than the non-secretors, regardless of blood type.
Mosquitoes can sense carbon dioxide up to 160 feet away; so the more one exhales, the more attractive they become. Larger people exhale more. Also to note, since human beings exhale carbon dioxide through the nose and mouth, mosquitoes are attracted to our heads, which explains the whole “mosquitoes buzzing about the ears all night” misery.
Via Smithsonian, NBC News
As we have known the reasons why some are high attractors to mosquitoes, why not take some actions to repel or even directly kill those troublemakers once and for all? Here are
mosquito control products produced by Arrow, and we are certain that our products can protect you and your family.
Products recommended

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