The Types Of Mosquitoes
2017-08-12 14:48:40
To understand the species of mosquitoes, we first need to know what mosquitoes are. For taxonomists, mosquitoes are diptera incects. The mosquito species is likely to exceed your imagination, there are tens of thousands of them. And in this vast, long-horned sub-eye insects, the mosquitoes that we know and hate are just a small branch.
We′ll start with the most familiar mosquitoes -- they are actually just types that vampire in insect species, common ones were Stictochironomus, Anopheles, and Culex. Here are some brief introductions about them. Not only are these mosquitoes bite people, but they are also the host of pathogens such as dengue fever, malaria, yellow fever, filariasis, and Japanese encephalitis. Of course, the sting of mosquitoes is far from simple. Many of the mosquito species are involved in this "evil" work. For example, the ornate anopheles mosquito is one of them.
The males of this species feed on the sap, and the females feed on the blood. The male and female mosquitoes can be distinguished by their antennae, the bristles are sparse on the female, and dense on the male mosquitoes, which help to locate the female mosquitoes.
The larvae of large mosquitoes live in the roots of plants, in the tree holes or in the water of moist soil, and feed on the root and humus of plants, which are the disintegrators of nature and the food of many kinds of animals. Only a few species of larvae have some harm to agricultural production and urban green lawn.
The life of a big mosquito has nothing to do with human blood, but it′s a terrible thing if a big mosquito suck blood.
Though equally "large", the giant mosquitoes are not big mosquitoes. It is closely related to the mosquito that bites, but the size is not an order of magnitude. Though sounds horrible, things can be easy with Arrow′s
best mosquito repellent. Some species can grow up to three centimeters in length. Put aside the horror, in fact, their metallic luster is actually quite good.
Giant mosquito larvae live in tree holes and bamboo sluggings, and the food is special - larvae. The larva of the giant mosquito is a complete eater, and the larvae of the ornate giant mosquito have eaten 106 larvae before transformation, according to the experiment. In addition to eat different species, they also kill each other, usually only 1 or 2 can mature. Big tree holes can accommodate a few more. in the animal world, the house and resource competition is unusually fierce. They were also particularly resistent to hunger, and the larvae of the short whiskers could have survived for more than six months without food.
Fortunately, the larvae, though bloodthirsty, have little interest in real blood when grown into adults. They feed on nectar and haunt the bamboo forest.
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