Methods To Repel mosquitoes-Arrow-protect your family
2017-07-21 15:45:23

Many people love summer for it projects an energetic and dynamic image in our mind, during which people are inclined to go out for a picnic or BBQ, also, to exercise in the morning or after dinner. The hot weather arouses great passion and desire traveling hither and thither. However, the human is definitely not the only one who wants to enjoy the nature outside. Mosquitoes and black flies are even more excited to celebrate the coming of summer.
Staying away from mosquitoes and treating bug bites can be some of the most annoying parts of summer. When summer hits, it can be hard to walk outside without being swarmed by mosquitoes. No one wants to wear long clothes in the heat just to prevent mosquito bites, but the bugs can be relentless.
Mosquitoes are infamous for spreading extremely hazardous diseases such as malaria, dengue, brain fever, zika fever and cerebral malaria. Having a mosquito infestation in proximity to you and your family is a dangerous situation and can be fatal. The primary goal is to keep homes and families safe from mosquitoes in order to reduce their damage to human health, economies, and environment. Mosquito control is a vital public-health practice throughout the world and especially in the tropics because mosquitoes spread many diseases.
When a mosquito bites you, it injects a small amount of saliva into the wound to stop your blood from clotting. Our bodies react to this foreign substance and, in defense, produce a protein called histamine. Histamine triggers the characteristic inflammation seen around mosquito bites, as well as the itching.
Naturally, the best way to avoid mosquito bites is to prevent coming into contact with them in the first place. You can avoid insect bites by staying inside between dusk and dawn, which is when they are most active. Mosquitoes are also thicker in shrubby areas and near standing water. The American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA) has a helpful fact sheet of things you can do to prevent mosquito breeding on your property. Their "Three Ds" of protection are the following:
—Mosquitoes require water in which to breed, so carefully drain any and all sources of standing water around your house and yard, including pet bowls, gutters, garbage and recycling bins, spare tires, bird baths, etc
—Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing—long sleeved shirts and long pants, hats, and socks
—AS the AMCA recommends using commercial repellents, try Arrow insecticide spray and non-smoke mosquito coils to keep the mosquitoes away and get relief from itchy bug bites!
The insecticide areosol of Arrow is micro-poisonous but with high hit rate, made of high-graded permethrin. Besides, you don′t have to worry because it is also eco-friendly to our environment while quite economical and durable. In case you are not accustomed to this kind of method of bugkilling, there is another traditional way to protect your family, which is Arrow mosquito coils ,and we are quite professional in producing mosquito coils for more than 16years, and repellent products is our burgeoning products.
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