Blog 2017-08-23 2,540 0
Mosquitoes, horseflies, tick bites can make children miserable. Although most children have only mild reactions to insect bites, some children are more serious. One way to avoid mosquito bites is to use mosquito repellent. It is important to know how to use mosquito repellents safely and correctly.
We often use mosquito repellent products, but few people can safely and effectively use mosquito repellent. As one of the famous mosquito repellent companies, here are the most safe and useful methods of mosquito repellent we collected, hoping to help you.
The safe use of mosquito repellent is suitable time, reasonable place and proper dosage.
The mosquito has wings, you can’t catch him, see the mosquito respray is too inefficient, to follow the mosquito’s habit of spraying is the best policy.
The mosquito is sleeping in the night, and in the daytime when the mosquito is breathing a few times, the effect appears.
The mosquito mostly likes to hide in the dark damp place, during the day can be directed against stair, gutter, gutter, bathroom, ambry, table underfoot, etc. Spraying insecticide. In addition, the mosquito also hides in the curtain, cloth and hanging clothing, when spraying insecticide, can shake these places first, make mosquito do out.
Use box or a bucket, put on some cloth on the inside, decorate a damp “artificial trap”, mosquitoes flying in rest during the day, to within a couple of insecticide, can easily kill mosquitoes.
Control the time and place of mosquito control. Pesticides need not be too much. In addition, some synthetic pyrethrins can be toxic to fish, so it’s best not to spray them near the tank.
There is no way to achieve complete mosquito control, and mosquitoes are resistant, so you should take turns using different mosquito repellent methods and products.
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